USA, USA, USA! Offline

Caretaker of MAGAGRID.US

Joined 6 months ago

About Myself

Just another avatar trying to make earth a better place for all.

My Interests

I am interested in promoting truth, justice, and the America way while there is still a chance to turn the world back toward the light.

I'm Looking For

I'm looking for USA avatars that have been lied to by the media so many times that determining what to believe has become opaque. I'm looking for voters in the upcoming 2024 USA elections that are still trying to determine for whom they are going to vote. In addition to promoting Donald J. Trump I am about promoting the American way of life and lastly I am trying to restore the world to a time when one could be proud of where they came from no matter where that is. Restoring patriotism for all countries world wide as a popular thought.

Favorite Quote

Do or not do, there is no try. - yoda

Music I Like

There are only two kinds of music, good and bad. I like some of everything, I hate some of everything. At MAGA Grid US there is only one kind of music though, patriotic.

My Heroes

Donald J. Trump, RFK Jr., Elon Musk, Dr. Ben Carson, MTG, Lauren Boebert, Kari Lake, anyone who champions freedom for all.

OpenSimulator Version

I try to ride the wave of "the latest" although I'm not always on top of that I'm within a version of the latest usually.


I use multiple systems. Ubuntu, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Linux Lite.

My Regions

MAGAGrid Welcome
3 0 Welcome 0 Users
A region to promote Donald J. Trump and all things American.
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